Xbox 360:

*HDMI on newer models (I own an Elite with HDMI Non Falcon and an Original Pro Console from time of release which doesn't have HDMI, just component)
*20gb HDD (Although there are 60gb versions floating about I believe)
*1080p over HDMI
*Plays *.avi movies (Divx)
*Some backwards compatibility with older xbox titles
*Cheap ~$350 AUD for the Arcade version (Plus a HDD)
*Some games are region free
*Some models come with a remote to control playback
*Fairly Noisy (especially when buffering *.avi's)
*RROD (Read Ring Of Death), the newer models(Falcon) are believed to of rectified this problem with a new Mobo and Power Brick
*Online play cost $$$ (Around $80 AUD per year)
*No Blu-Ray support (Microshaft backed HD-DVD, who lost the next gen media battle)
*Dvd movie playback is not region free
*Not all games are region free
*Play and Charge kits are extra (rechargable batteries for the controller)
*Made by Microsoft

*Blu-Ray (won the next gen media battle)
*Silent (yes I know it can't be silent silent, but gees it's close enough you pedantic F*%KS)
*Hardware specs are better (on paper)
*Can F@H SEE:
*ALL games are region free, although some have server region restrictions for online play
*Online play is FREE
*HDMI on all models (therefore instant support of 1080p)
*80gb version comes with a Dual Shock 3 wireless (using bluetooth) controller with a built-in rechargable battery
*Slot load, I can never trust a slot load media player
*DVD and Blu-Ray movie playback is region locked (although there are a lot of Blu-Ray titles out there that are region free)
*Shiny black is attractive but can scratch easily and attract dust rapidly.
*Made by Sony (I'm not a fan of Sony, apart from the PS range)
Build quality and general first impressions, I am leaning towards the Ps3 as todays winner, I mean if you have the opportunity to buy both, please do, they are both very well designed consoles (apart from the RROD range of 360's) and have fantastic online communities. The 360 would be the best buy though if Blu-Ray means nothing to you, and all your friends have one. Is this even a real conclusion? Well I doubt my opinion will sway anyones decision but if you need further clarification of anything, you know where to find me.
we've got a ps3, and we use the normal control to watch movies all the time (dvd's and files) ... ;)
That's fantastic, perhaps i skimmed over it a little too quickly haha thanks for the info, will amend the post
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