Last night I almost lost it. Seriously. I'm not even kidding. If there was a chainsaw around.... well..... just call me leatherface.
There was a chain of events that triggered it but I'm not going to go into that. Let's just say there is quite a few aspects of my life that I hate with a passion. A passion that would of ended brutally if I chose to act upon it last night.
Few people ever have had the pleasure of seeing me snap, and I'm glad. I like to think of myself as cool and collected most of the time.
Things that have been the victims of my rage?
*Mobile Phone
*Baseball Bat
*Laptop? (can't quite remember that one, but I think my laptop didn't quite work right after I had one anger sesh)
I'm in no way a violent person, but sometimes you just have to let your animal instincts take over.
Oh and I'm not even sure it's anger, it could quite well be frustraion, which is in itself, linked to anger, but if I had to classify it as something, it would be frustraion
"While coping with frustration, some individuals may engage in passive-aggressive behavior, making it difficult to identify the original cause(s) of their frustration, as the responses are indirect. A more direct, and common response, is a propensity towards aggression." - Wikipedia
So what did I do last night to settle myself down? I bottled it up because I felt like I couldn't vent to anyone immediatley and watched "Rob Zombies Halloween 2" which had the most brutal violence I have ever seen. It was somehow settling which made me very happy, yet sickened me at the same time.
On another note, a friend and I were sitting in Subway today and these bogan kids walked past the window (after one of them came in and stole some drink out of the dispenser with his own plastic cup) and we were just staring at them, mainly cause we were being smart arses and wondering why they were so bogan. Anyways one of the kids came back to the window, thinking he was heaps tough, and my mate was just staring at him really dumbly and I waved at him, anyways feeling defeated he walked away. Was that the last we'd see of him? NOPE! He decided coming back and spitting on the window and then running away was the thing to do. What a crafty kid, I sure learnt my lesson. To be honest, the mood that I was in, I wanted to run the kid down, hit him to the ground and then drag him back to Subway by his hair and rub his face in the spit. That would of made me very happy, but would also get me into a lot of trouble.
Main points of this blog (for those who cbf reading it)
*Don't mess with me cause I will stab you in the neck
*Everyone sucks
So that's the end of my post teenage angst.
This isn't a cry for help, I don't want your help. When the dead walk the earth, the living will fill their graves.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Coke.... now with grip?
Ok, so why the fuck did they add a grip? Sorry I'm being so blunt, but seriously... why? Could people not hold the other bottle? Was this just an excuse to bring out another size Coke?
Ok so lets see what size cokes you can get now.
200ml Mini Can - I've seen these at the supermarket but can't seem to find a pic
250ml Glass Bottle - They usually serve these in cafes and some restaurants and charge you a fortune, I always feel ripped of when these are served.
375ml Can - We all know what these look like, pretty much the standard
390ml Bottles - Seem to be the choice when you can't drink a whole 375ml can in one go and want the convenience of a bottle.
450ml WITH GRIP - Ok so these are just fucking stupid. This is marketing trickery at it's best. As far as I know these weren't advertised at all and almost look like a 600ml coke. So pretty much, festivals and stores are selling these at the the same price a 600ml would usually cost, the consumer is thinking that they are getting the 600ml, only to be horribly dissapointed. I have no idea why they needed to bring out yet another bottle with only an extra 60ml of coke, apart from ripping people off.
600ml - My personal favourite, even if I can't finish it sometimes. They have added a grip to these bad boys now as well, so now when you're running from the law and need refreshment, you no longer have to worry about the coke slipping out of your hand because THERE ARE TINY BUMPS WHICH THEY CALL A GRIP TO STOP IT FROM SLIPPING OUT OF YOUR HAND BECAUSE IT SEEMS THAT PEOPLE CAN'T HOLD A BOTTLE ANYMORE.
Obviously there are the 1.25L, 1.5L (share pack) and 2L varieties as well, but I wanted to focus on the smaller varities at the moment. I wonder if the larger varieties will get the GRIP?
Coke should bring back the Cherry instead of adding useless grips to bottles.
Ok so lets see what size cokes you can get now.
200ml Mini Can - I've seen these at the supermarket but can't seem to find a pic
250ml Glass Bottle - They usually serve these in cafes and some restaurants and charge you a fortune, I always feel ripped of when these are served.
375ml Can - We all know what these look like, pretty much the standard
390ml Bottles - Seem to be the choice when you can't drink a whole 375ml can in one go and want the convenience of a bottle.
450ml WITH GRIP - Ok so these are just fucking stupid. This is marketing trickery at it's best. As far as I know these weren't advertised at all and almost look like a 600ml coke. So pretty much, festivals and stores are selling these at the the same price a 600ml would usually cost, the consumer is thinking that they are getting the 600ml, only to be horribly dissapointed. I have no idea why they needed to bring out yet another bottle with only an extra 60ml of coke, apart from ripping people off.
600ml - My personal favourite, even if I can't finish it sometimes. They have added a grip to these bad boys now as well, so now when you're running from the law and need refreshment, you no longer have to worry about the coke slipping out of your hand because THERE ARE TINY BUMPS WHICH THEY CALL A GRIP TO STOP IT FROM SLIPPING OUT OF YOUR HAND BECAUSE IT SEEMS THAT PEOPLE CAN'T HOLD A BOTTLE ANYMORE.
Obviously there are the 1.25L, 1.5L (share pack) and 2L varieties as well, but I wanted to focus on the smaller varities at the moment. I wonder if the larger varieties will get the GRIP?
Coke should bring back the Cherry instead of adding useless grips to bottles.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
10 men to avoid?
Ok so when logging out of hotmail I was reading the MSN news stuff and I saw this:
Here are my thoughts:
He's not into you – Well obviously this is a no-brainer, but if he doesn’t call maybe he is taking into account that you said you don’t like clingy people.......
He's prettier than you – In a gender confused society, you crazy ladies only have yourself to blame, remember when you said to him “God, don’t you moisturise?” well guess what, he did it for you and now he likes it.......
He loves sport too much – Yeah... well you love shoes/handbags/useless crap too much, PWNED
He's the constant critic – OMG everyone is a critic, sure if it’s constant, then that’s not being a critic, that’s being a dick, oh and those magazines you buy... yeah the bitchy ones.... sorry that’s being a critic as well............ZOMG LOOK AT HER HAIR, LOLZ LOOKS LIKE A DEAD CAT MATING WITH A SEAL!!!!111121221
He's damaged goods – Everyone has a sob story, everyone wants sympathy, everyone has been hurt, if you can’t work at it with someone you love then you shouldn’t be together anyway.............
He's married – Seriously if you’re that fucking stupid, then it’s your own fault............
He's a no-hoper – See above
He has too much baggage – Sure, but compare it to your own first....
He can't make a decision – Maybe he likes to keep the passion alive by being unpredictable... I thought that’s what women like?
He wants to be a star – Ok, so you don’t want him to have ambitions but you don’t want him to be a no-hoper..... hmm.......
So the perfect man apparently?

Here are my thoughts:
He's not into you – Well obviously this is a no-brainer, but if he doesn’t call maybe he is taking into account that you said you don’t like clingy people.......
He's prettier than you – In a gender confused society, you crazy ladies only have yourself to blame, remember when you said to him “God, don’t you moisturise?” well guess what, he did it for you and now he likes it.......
He loves sport too much – Yeah... well you love shoes/handbags/useless crap too much, PWNED
He's the constant critic – OMG everyone is a critic, sure if it’s constant, then that’s not being a critic, that’s being a dick, oh and those magazines you buy... yeah the bitchy ones.... sorry that’s being a critic as well............ZOMG LOOK AT HER HAIR, LOLZ LOOKS LIKE A DEAD CAT MATING WITH A SEAL!!!!111121221
He's damaged goods – Everyone has a sob story, everyone wants sympathy, everyone has been hurt, if you can’t work at it with someone you love then you shouldn’t be together anyway.............
He's married – Seriously if you’re that fucking stupid, then it’s your own fault............
He's a no-hoper – See above
He has too much baggage – Sure, but compare it to your own first....
He can't make a decision – Maybe he likes to keep the passion alive by being unpredictable... I thought that’s what women like?
He wants to be a star – Ok, so you don’t want him to have ambitions but you don’t want him to be a no-hoper..... hmm.......
So the perfect man apparently?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Wrong to like hardware?
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Best Spiderman Game Ever?
Ok so I saw this trailer on myspace, it gave me goosebumps (could of been the music) but that usually tells me that it's going to be good.
Spider-Man: Web of Shadows Launch Trailer
I'm quite a fan of spiderman but was pretty dissapointed with the films, esp with how they portrayed Venom, hopefully this will rekindle my interest.

Spider-Man: Web of Shadows Launch Trailer
I'm quite a fan of spiderman but was pretty dissapointed with the films, esp with how they portrayed Venom, hopefully this will rekindle my interest.

Ps3 VS Xbox 360
Ok so pretty much on Thursday I bought a Ps3, no reason, I mean of course there was a reason, but it wasn't really good enough a reason to shell out $688 for. So here is a quick comparison:
Xbox 360:

*HDMI on newer models (I own an Elite with HDMI Non Falcon and an Original Pro Console from time of release which doesn't have HDMI, just component)
*20gb HDD (Although there are 60gb versions floating about I believe)
*1080p over HDMI
*Plays *.avi movies (Divx)
*Some backwards compatibility with older xbox titles
*Cheap ~$350 AUD for the Arcade version (Plus a HDD)
*Some games are region free
*Some models come with a remote to control playback
*Fairly Noisy (especially when buffering *.avi's)
*RROD (Read Ring Of Death), the newer models(Falcon) are believed to of rectified this problem with a new Mobo and Power Brick
*Online play cost $$$ (Around $80 AUD per year)
*No Blu-Ray support (Microshaft backed HD-DVD, who lost the next gen media battle)
*Dvd movie playback is not region free
*Not all games are region free
*Play and Charge kits are extra (rechargable batteries for the controller)
*Made by Microsoft

*Blu-Ray (won the next gen media battle)
*Silent (yes I know it can't be silent silent, but gees it's close enough you pedantic F*%KS)
*Hardware specs are better (on paper)
*Can F@H SEE:
*ALL games are region free, although some have server region restrictions for online play
*Online play is FREE
*HDMI on all models (therefore instant support of 1080p)
*80gb version comes with a Dual Shock 3 wireless (using bluetooth) controller with a built-in rechargable battery
*Slot load, I can never trust a slot load media player
*DVD and Blu-Ray movie playback is region locked (although there are a lot of Blu-Ray titles out there that are region free)
*Shiny black is attractive but can scratch easily and attract dust rapidly.
*Made by Sony (I'm not a fan of Sony, apart from the PS range)
Build quality and general first impressions, I am leaning towards the Ps3 as todays winner, I mean if you have the opportunity to buy both, please do, they are both very well designed consoles (apart from the RROD range of 360's) and have fantastic online communities. The 360 would be the best buy though if Blu-Ray means nothing to you, and all your friends have one. Is this even a real conclusion? Well I doubt my opinion will sway anyones decision but if you need further clarification of anything, you know where to find me.
Xbox 360:

*HDMI on newer models (I own an Elite with HDMI Non Falcon and an Original Pro Console from time of release which doesn't have HDMI, just component)
*20gb HDD (Although there are 60gb versions floating about I believe)
*1080p over HDMI
*Plays *.avi movies (Divx)
*Some backwards compatibility with older xbox titles
*Cheap ~$350 AUD for the Arcade version (Plus a HDD)
*Some games are region free
*Some models come with a remote to control playback
*Fairly Noisy (especially when buffering *.avi's)
*RROD (Read Ring Of Death), the newer models(Falcon) are believed to of rectified this problem with a new Mobo and Power Brick
*Online play cost $$$ (Around $80 AUD per year)
*No Blu-Ray support (Microshaft backed HD-DVD, who lost the next gen media battle)
*Dvd movie playback is not region free
*Not all games are region free
*Play and Charge kits are extra (rechargable batteries for the controller)
*Made by Microsoft

*Blu-Ray (won the next gen media battle)
*Silent (yes I know it can't be silent silent, but gees it's close enough you pedantic F*%KS)
*Hardware specs are better (on paper)
*Can F@H SEE:
*ALL games are region free, although some have server region restrictions for online play
*Online play is FREE
*HDMI on all models (therefore instant support of 1080p)
*80gb version comes with a Dual Shock 3 wireless (using bluetooth) controller with a built-in rechargable battery
*Slot load, I can never trust a slot load media player
*DVD and Blu-Ray movie playback is region locked (although there are a lot of Blu-Ray titles out there that are region free)
*Shiny black is attractive but can scratch easily and attract dust rapidly.
*Made by Sony (I'm not a fan of Sony, apart from the PS range)
Build quality and general first impressions, I am leaning towards the Ps3 as todays winner, I mean if you have the opportunity to buy both, please do, they are both very well designed consoles (apart from the RROD range of 360's) and have fantastic online communities. The 360 would be the best buy though if Blu-Ray means nothing to you, and all your friends have one. Is this even a real conclusion? Well I doubt my opinion will sway anyones decision but if you need further clarification of anything, you know where to find me.
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